This is to acknowledge another success for myself due to Dr. Cooper’s treatments. Because of a liver problem, my skin started to itch uncontrollably. It was so bad I had to leave work. I went to see Dr. Cooper, who gave me something to remedy this situation. I took the treatment and in 2 days I was itch free and able to work and sleep as normal. Due to my weak immune system, I also had an allergy which I had never had before. My eyes were watery and matting. Dr. Cooper recommended something for this, and in a matter of 1-2 days was completely back to normal. My relationship with Dr. Dale Cooper is excellent due entirely to his commitment to healing my body and the liver ailment naturally, without any drugs and their devastating side effects.
I am sure I will have many more successes to report in the future. Thank you, Dr. Cooper, for everything you have done and are doing for me.