A very important issue when it comes to health is being able to sleep long enough, regularly enough to feel rested. When you don’t get enough sleep it can leave you irritable and unable to function at your normal level of operation. Certain activities such as driving, operating equipment and studying become more difficult. Sleep is one of the top reasons you, my patients, come in to see me.
Make the Dream of a Good Night’s Sleep a Reality.
Thoughts and ideas of work and life might have you tossing and turning at night and waking up on the wrong side of bed in the morning.
Your body can live longer without food than it can without sleep. Sleep is vitally important to the health of your body, yet it can be terribly elusive. Getting enough sleep is vital to achieving your goals but it needs to happen when you need it to happen. On demand, so to speak.
While there might not be much you can do to prevent the occasional sleepless night, a good mattress and pillow, as well as a few simple lifestyle and nutritional changes, can work wonders when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep. Below, in the supplement section, is one of the products that has been used successfully with patients to achieve a better night’s sleep.
Key to handling the inability to sleep is to get your nutrition checked so your supplements are exactly right for you because everyone’s body is different. What might make one person fall asleep may wake another up.
But did you know that Chiropractic Care Can Help…
If you experience pain and discomfort at night or have difficulty falling asleep, come in for a spinal adjustment. As a Doctor of Chiropractic I can treat the aches and pains that can interfere with a restful night’s sleep. In addition, I can also offer specific advice that will help you get a good night’s sleep.
Sleep Tips:
- When choosing a mattress, look for one that is comfortably supportive. Although the very firm "table board" mattress used to be in fashion, the new industry trend toward "selective support". Selective support allows you to press down one area of a mattress, leaving other areas unaffected.
- Be selective when choosing a pillow. When lying on your side, your head and neck should remain level with your mid and lower spine. When lying on your back, your head and neck should remain level with your upper back and spine. In other words, your pillow should not be so thick that it causes your head and neck to be propped up or angled sharply away from your body.
- A regular exercise program can help you sleep more soundly at night. Exercising in the mornings is best, but if you must exercise in the evenings, do so at least two hours before bedtime. Any later, and your increased heart rate can interfere with your sleep. This does not include taking a walk. You can ‘take a walk’ at any time.
- Always drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. Although an ice cold glass of water can be refreshing, cold water can disturb the digestive system due to its "shock" effect. If you have trouble sleeping, drink water at room temperature. Truthfully, caffeinated beverages and foods should be avoided if you’re having sleep problems. However, if you cannot avoid having some, drink an extra 8-ounce glass of water for each cup of caffeinated beverage you drink.
- And most importantly, don’t forget to come in for regular adjustments!