Most people exercise to lose weight. But is this the right goal?
Exercise should be done with the purpose of promoting both strength and flexibility. With this in mind, ideal weight levels can be achieved over time, providing the diet contains the nutrients essential for good health.
Exercise helps to reduce stress, improve blood flow, and increase breathing.
What I look for in a proper exercise program is, does it improve posture? Jack La Lanne was once quoted as saying, "Healthy people in their 80’s and 90’s have two things in common, both perfect posture and less than their ideal weight."
Do it for yourself. Be consistent. Stop using excuses like "no time", "too tired", "I don’t feel like it". These are traps. No-one can make you do it. This I know for sure.
In our office, we have specific exercises designed to relieve pain and correct abnormal posture to create a longer lasting benefit to chiropractic treatment. This I see as a solution to an overused misconception about chiropractic "once you go you always have to come back".
We turn the responsibility for your health back over to you. It is our job to locate and correct the problem and it is your job to keep it that way. So, therefore, exercise is another vital key.
The body contains 650 muscles that are all designed to move the bones. Someone has to be in control. Shouldn’t it be you?