How to Get That Body Working the Way You Need It To!
So you need some of the basics to get your metabolism working with you. Well, let’s go over some basic information on metabolism.
Every time you swallow a bite of sandwich or sip a protein drink, your body works hard to process the nutrients you’ve eaten. Long after the dishes are cleared and the food is digested, the nutrients you’ve taken in become the building blocks and fuel needed by your body. Your body gets the energy it needs from food through a process called metabolism.
What Is Metabolism and What Is Its Function?
Metabolism is a collection of chemical reactions that takes place in the body’s cells. Metabolism converts the fuel in the food you eat into the energy needed to power everything you do, from moving to growing. Specific proteins in the your body control the chemical reactions of metabolism, and each chemical reaction is coordinated with other body functions. In fact, thousands of metabolic reactions happen at the same time – all regulated by the body – to keep your cells healthy and working.
Here’s an example of how the process of metabolism works in your body – and it begins with plants. First, a green plant takes in energy from sunlight. The plant uses this energy and a molecule called cholorophyll (which gives plants their green color) to build sugars from water and carbon dioxide. This process is called photosynthesis.
When you eat plants, or animals which have eaten plants you body takes in this energy (in the form of sugar), along with other vital cell-building chemicals. Your body’s next step is to break the sugar down so that the energy released can be distributed to, and used as fuel by, the body’s cells.
In this way, the process of metabolism is really a balancing act involving two kinds of activities that go on at the same time – the building up of your body tissues and energy stores and the breaking down of your body tissues and energy stores to generate more fuel for your body functions.
So how can you help your body metabolize food?
- Eating foods high in sugars, refined carbohydrates and starch are only useful for short bursts of energy. In the long run these foods run your body down. Try eating a chicken salad for lunch instead of a sandwich, avoid bread and pasta and eat more vegetables and protein foods such as eggs, meat, yogurt, etc.
- If you feel hungry when you cut down on the sugars and starches try increasing your water intake. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day will help you sleep better and help your body function better. Drinking water helps you eat less if you are overeating. (It is optimum to NOT drink with the meal but to rather drink the water separately.)
- Try a basic enzyme product to help your digestion. An example of a good enzyme supplement is included in the next article.
- Get regular exercise. If you think you don’t have time maybe try walking to lunch instead of driving. Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Try eating lunch at a place slightly further from work than usual and walk there briskly.
- And last but not least, keep your nerve flow and communication to vital organs in your digestion system functioning by getting a chiropractic adjustment. Subluxation, the irritation or choking of nerves at the spinal joint due to misalignment, can cause vital messages between your nervous system and organs to be inhibited and cause digestive failures. I recommend a monthly adjustment to keep your nervous system functioning and in communication.