CATALYN®*A highly effective multi vitamin, mineral and trace mineral supplement made from foods and produced by Standard Process. (< organic CATALYst)
Catalyst — A factor that stimulates chemical and metabolic changes without itself undergoing any changes. (Gr katakysis ‘breaking up into parts’)
Dr Lee, founder of Standard Process, had always been susceptible to colds and was convinced that when he found a potent vitamin concentrate, one of the effects would be an increased resistance to colds. In 1929, he found an effective method of concentrating vitamins B and C from food and was able to produce a food-based product containing them. He found that his immunity improved and his susceptibility to colds lessened significantly.
He put his ailing mother, who had a disabling heart condition, onto his new-found supplement. Her recovery was so phenomenal that Dr Lee felt he had a duty to make the remarkable new supplement available to everyone. He improved his product by adding concentrations of other known vitamins to include a complete vitamin ration so that, today, we have a multiple vitamin, mineral and trace mineral concentrate that remains as effective as the day it was developed – more than 75 years ago!
Catalyn and all other Standard Process supplements can be ordered at the office. We ship planet-wide.